
1.4.3. Segment Gradients

A linear gradient can be applied to line and circle segments by clicking a handle to select a segment and then clicking 'Segment Gradient' in the Edit menu or by holding the Ctrl key while clicking the colour button. The colour selector window will then allow you to select the gradient colour. The segment will then fade smoothly from the segment colour at the segment's pivot point, to the gradient colour at the segment's end point. Gradient colours can be transparent or semi transparent.
Segment Colour at Pivot point                         Gradient Colour at End point
        (Colour button or H key)                        (Ctrl key + Colour button or H key
                                                                    or Segment Gradient in Edit menu)
The Segment Gradient menu item will have a check mark next to it if the selected segment has a gradient. Clicking it again with a gradient segment selected will remove the gradient leaving just the segment colour. Setting the segment and gradient colours to be equal will also remove the gradient. The shift key can be used to apply or remove gradients for multiple segments in a branch.
The horse figure shaded using segment gradients and the Segment Gradient menu item